H2Viewer is an MS Help 2.x collection viewer similar to DExplore (DExplore is the MS viewer used by VS 2002\2003\2005\2008, MSDN, TechNet etc). H2Viewer has the same MS Help 2 API backend as DExplore. H2Viewer has been extracted from our product FAR HTML because of numerous requests for a standalone viewer. H2Viewer has numerous command-line parameters and a COM interface. The command-line options include a single instance feature. Visit the H2Viewer Home page
Screen ShotsOpen any MS Help 2 collection. Opening a .HxS will automatically register. Also boasts rich command line options and COM interface. Traditional help viewer layout.
Help Authors best friend: View any MS Help 2 Index in the current collection.
Traditional Search navigation (How I wish VS 2005\2008 still had traditional search)
Another authors friend.. Define and test help 2 filters.
Built-in Text-To-Speech reader. |