Small tool which underlines hex/rgb/named colors in stylesheets and XAML files with the correct color. It also includes a color picker. If the tool helps you and you like it please rate it! Update: (09/10/2012)
- Added Visual Studio 2012 support as BETA of devColor
- There may be some minor bugs please don't give a bad review if there are errors in Visual Studio 2012 but report them to me, thx
08/22/2012) - New feautre: Now you can configure for which file extension devColor is enabled.
 - Fixed type for color blue.
(09/16/2011) - Added XAML support for HEX colors including transparency (Transparency will not affect HTML colors)
- Some NamedColors will work to
- Added not finished feature ColorScheme:

(08/25/2011) - Fixed right ctrl crash
- New option for changing lineheight (from 1 to 10 px)
- HTML character encodings should now be ignored if the character before the hex
code is one of these: " ' # &
(03/17/2011) - Quickselect now works with left and right ctrl
- Removed duplicate colors in "Colors in document"
- Added an options tab
- quickselect dynamic size
- insert hex codes upper/lower case
- inser short hex codes if possible
- Enable doubleclick on colors to show devColor dialog
- If you change this option you have to reload all open css/html documents that it will take effect.
(08/08/2010) - Now supporting Shorthand Hex colors.
- Added "Replace all occurrences" button.
- Added origin color beyond selected.
09/07/2010) - Updated the the UI and added a "real" color picker.

- Added a quick pick which shows the colors on the document and the saved colors.
- You can acces it if you hit ctrl when the mouse hovers over a color.

- Fixed the bug that removes the ":" if you click on "Use color" if you have selected a named color.
(06/13/2010) - Added a color picker. If you ctrl + click on a color it will open the color picker with the color you clicked on.
- You can pick color from screen
- You can save you colors
- Right click on a color and it will open a context menu
- If you click on already saved colors you can remove them
- It shows all colors on the selected document
- Builds color anagrams eg: makes ABCDEF to CDEFAB, EFABCD ...
- It replaces the color you clicked on when you click on "Use color"

(06/10/2010) Added: - RGB colors eg: RGB(171,205,239)
- Named colors eg: Lime
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