Getting started
Navigate to the home tab of Team Explorer , drop down the menu and you will find TFSAdministrators Toolkit menu with the different tools.

Be careful
This set of tools makes it easier to affect a lot of team projects very quick. Be aware of what you're doing.
Revision history
1.3.10 Minor update, support for multiple file masks
fixed bug then closing Update Work Item Types
1.300 Improved Test Attatchment cleaner (Generating config files, enabling
spliting cleaning operations into small operations & selecting filetypes to
clean in the UI.)
Improved FindInFiles, Added search result preview adn abilty to open
files directly from the search result table.
1.200 Improved Test Attatchment cleaner (Expanding sections, 2012 version) Right click menu Find In Files in source control explorer
Bugfixes in Find In Files
Added Batch updates of project portals
Added logging for Update reports
1.100 Find In Files search in the content of files in source control.
Subscriptions, List and unsubscribe subscriptions
Updates to Test Attachments Sizes
1.000 First VS 2012 version