Pixata Custom Controls For Lightswitch These controls are now open source!! Due to my continued lack of enthusiasm over the way Lightswitch is going (see this blog post for more details), I'm not actively developing the controls any more. However, as there still seems to be quite a lot of interest in them, I have decided to make them open source. If you are interested in contributing, please see the GitHub pages for the latest version of the controls. Please note that despite what it says above, this version DOES support VS2013. Please let me know if you have any problems with it. Note that you may need to uninstall the current version and reinstall to get VS2013 to notice.
What Is This Anyway?
As a huge fan of Microsoft Visual Studio Lightswitch, and a compulsive fiddler, I developed these controls to expand the possibilities of what can be done with Lightswitch, without having to resort to any more code that absolutely possible. Whilst there are some very clever bits of code around, many of them are far too complex for a lot of Lightswitch users, and many of them are just more complex than they probably need to be. I wrote these controls, partly for my own interest (I love experimenting with new technology), partly to make my own development easier, and partly in response to requests from other people. The common factor is that they should hopefully take some of the pain away from Lightswitch development, leaving you more time to concentrate on what's important. The Controls In The Collection
You can see the full documentation on my blog, or go straight to the individual control documentation by clicking the links below: Screenshots
Here are some screenshots, showing a few of the controls. Please click the links to see more information about each one. On the left is a grid showing the customer status with theDynamic Image Viewer, and on the right is our old friend the elephant, displayed with theStatic Image Viewer, and the application information displayed with the Application Information control... Next we have (on the left) a data grid with email addresses displayed using theMailLink, and a Notification Toast popping up in the bottom-right corner of the user's screen... The next two screenshots show theExpandable Panel in action. First we see the top-right corner of a screen when the panel is collapsed. All you can see is the button... 
This button can be changed to anything you like. When you click it, the panel expands to reveal the content... 
The expanded panel contains twoHorizontal Dividers (one blue, one green), a MailLink which has been set to display just the email address, and a WebLink (to the right of the "Web:" textbox) that has been set to display just the icon. | Related Links Control Documentation
See the full documentation for the Pixata Custom Controls For Lightswitch, including screen shots, sample usage, example code and the occasional failed attempt at humour. Dot Net What Not
Please visit my blog, where I make sporadic rants about .NET-related subjects, and just occasionally post some useful information. |