PreEmptive Protection - Dotfuscator
Dotfuscator is a .NET Obfuscator and In-App Protection solution that helps companies with apps "worth protecting" secure trade secrets (IP), reduce piracy/counterfeiting, and protect against tampering and unauthorized debugging. Dotfuscator works with all flavors of .NET including Xamarin, .NET Core, .NET 5, ASP.NET, and UWP apps. PreEmptive Protection also supports Java/Android, JavaScript, and iOS apps.
Patented obfuscation technology
Advanced renaming, control flow, string encryption, metadata stripping and other transformations provide the highest degree of protection.
Seamless integration with Visual Studio
Dotfuscator integrates directly into your Visual Studio project file (e.g. ".csproj") on Windows or Mac. The initial integration is easy and automatically protects your app on every release-mode build.
Support for the complete secure development lifecycle (SLC)
From mapping to Agile, continuous integration, support for debugging, patch management and distributed development, Dotfuscator is a reliable component of your manufacturing process.
Tamper & debug detection, response and alerts
Terminate or modify the execution of tampered applications or unauthorized debugging and customize other responses.
Powerful compaction, linking and watermarking
Compaction can significant reduce app size. Linking consolidates multiple assemblies into one easy to manage executable. Watermarking hides copyright and other unique information in your app.
Incorporation into Microsoft's development process
PreEmptive has been the sole supplier of obfuscation technology to Microsoft since Visual Studio 2003. Dotfuscator is a formal component of Microsoft's internal Visual Studio development process. Dotfuscator is subject to all of Microsoft's quality, regression, audit and control gates.
World-class support
Our dedicated professional support team is available by phone and email and supported by our extensive online documentation and knowledgebase. Given the critical nature of software, it is no wonder that 9 of the 10 largest technology suppliers use PreEmptive Protection on their apps worth protecting.
Development Compliance and the Law
Security standards bodies, regulators, legislators, and the courts recognize the necessity to secure data in use. In addition to increasing your risk of a data-related breach, failure to implement appropriate, well-understood and accepted app protection-security controls could result in increased liability, fines, and brand damage.
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Detailed information on Dotfuscator's capabilities
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Is your app worth protecting?
Does it contain innovation?
Does it access sensitive data?
Does it perform a critical function?
Is it shipped internationally?
Through a combination of binary hardening, detection, defense and alert controls, we offer material risk mitigation against the following threats:

PreEmptive Protection - Dotfuscator is available in two editions:
The Community Edition (CE) is included with all versions of Visual Studio and offers basic application protection features such as the ability to obfuscate method names, etc.
The Professional Edition is available for evaluation or purchase and includes enterprise-grade protection, dedicated support, and commercial licensing. To learn more, please compare editions.